Sunday, February 10, 2019

Titling Our Short Film

          Klaus and I have been feeling good about the progress we've been making and now want to officially title our short film (at least somewhat).  We've looked into our Post Apocalyptic genre and found that a lot of the movies are titled very broad (more about the place they are in, etc.  We want our short film to take place in the Everglades or somewhere empty so I don't think we would want to be calling it where it's taking place.  For example, the movie The Road is about a son and father having to walk a road during a post Apocalyptic world to survive. Another movie called 28 Days Later has to do with a deadly disease that spread across the world.
          I personally like the idea of a title that has a time frame (like 28 Days Later) because it is very ominous and unclear about the where the movie will go.  Klaus and I haven't really specified the time frame that the movie takes place, but we definitely want to focus on the loneliness factor and I think by using a number (like how many days our main character has been alone) would be beneficial for our type of short film.  I also noticed that most titles for Post Apocalyptic films are short, either one or two words.  When looking at different words about being alone I found some that I like as a movie title:

In the Back of Beyond (a synonym I found for loneliness)

Out of this list, I really love In the Back of Beyond.  I have to talk to Klaus to make an official decision about the title of our movie, but I'm definitely going to be pushing for this one because I think this one fits our idea for our movie perfectly.

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          After 7 weeks of working on this project, here's my CCR.  Hope you enjoy!! Link to YouTube: ...